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The right way to drink

1. Drinking too much water and too little is not good for health. Too much drinking water at once, even if there is no water poisoning, but a large amount of water accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract, which makes the chest and abdomen feel full, and also dilutes the gastric juice, resulting in weakened absorption of the gastrointestinal tract. If you drink too little water, you can't really absorb and use it. The correct and effective way to drink water is to drink a whole cup of water in one go instead of just taking two drinks.

2. Some people do not develop the habit of drinking water regularly. Only when they are thirsty, they think about drinking water. Thirsty, in fact, the body is already severely dehydrated, many organs of the human body may have been dehydrated, so don't wait until the body tells you that it is "lack of water" before drinking.

3, drinking too fast and too urgent, invisibly will swallow a lot of air with the air, easy to cause snoring or abdominal flatulence. People with weak stomachs should drink more slowly. The method of drinking water after strenuous exercise is to first rinse the mouth with water, moisten the mouth and throat, then drink a small amount of water, stop for a while, then drink some, let the body slowly absorb.

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