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Must the water in the water fountain be boiled before drinking?

Because most of the water in the water dispenser is pure water, the qualified pure water has reached the drinking standard, in other words, no matter how many degrees, it can be drunk.
Pure water refers to the pure and clean water that does not contain impurities or bacteria, such as organic pollutants, inorganic salts, any additives and all kinds of impurities. The raw water is the water that meets the sanitary standard of drinking water.
It is made by electrodialysis, ion exchanger, reverse osmosis, distillation and other appropriate processing methods. It is sealed in the container without any additives. It is colorless and transparent and can be directly drunk.

Water intake mode of required temperature.
1. Used for tea making: the water drain valve marked with power heating must be enabled. When the corresponding red light turns to yellow, it means that the drinking water in the machine has reached the maximum temperature to the state of heat preservation. Generally, the temperature is between 85-95 degrees (the manufacturing parameters of each manufacturer are different), so you can take water and make tea.
2. Drinking in summer: in hot summer or if you like cold drinking water, choose the cooling water drain valve marked with green light. When the indicator light turns green, it means that the drinking water in the machine has been completely cooled.
3. Warm water drinking: most people don't need boiled water or cold water. They like to drink normal temperature water. They can choose to put half cup of cold water instead of half cup of heated water. According to the temperature you like, mix the proportion yourself.

Water dispenser

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