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Daily drinking water tips

To a certain extent, drinking water is the simplest and most scientific way of maintaining health, but if the water you drink is unhealthy, it will not only fail to maintain health, but also cause harm to the body.
Thirst is a slight loss of water in the body. The average water consumption of a normal person is 2000-2500 ml per day, and the oxidation of substances in the body can produce 300 ml of water, so 2200 ml of water should be added every day, including the water content in the diet. In summer, the daily supplement of water is about 3000 ml to meet the needs of the human body. The average adult urinates about 1.5 liters per day, and loses about 0.5 to 1 liter of water through breathing and perspiration. In order to ensure health, we should drink at least 2 to 2.5 liters of water every day.
When it comes to ice water, almost no one dislikes it. Especially in hot summer, many people will buy ice-cold drinks, ice water or ice-cold beer to quench their thirst and quench their thirst. However, drinking a lot of ice water can easily cause gastric mucosal vasoconstriction, affect digestion, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, and even cause intestinal spasm, resulting in abdominal pain and diarrhea.

What about pure water? Purified water removes bacteria and other harmful substances suspended in the water during the processing, and also removes the minerals needed by the human body contained in the water. This is the biggest difference between it and natural tap water. Pure water is not for everyone.
Although sugar-sweetened beverages such as fruit juice and soft drinks taste good, they will slow down the rate of water absorption by the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking a lot of beverages for a long time will have a certain adverse effect on the metabolism of the human body.
On the contrary, warm boiled water does not contain calories, and can be directly absorbed and utilized by the human body without digestion. The temperature is suitable, it will not stimulate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract too much, and it is not easy to cause vasoconstriction. Warm water is boiled in natural state water after purification treatment. The microorganisms in the water have been killed in the high temperature, and the calcium and magnesium elements retained in the water are very beneficial to the health of the body.

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